1st Moscow Molecular Allergology Meeting (MMAM)
The 1st Moscow Molecular Allergology Meeting (MAMM) took place in November 27, 2018 in Moscow at AZIMUT Hotel Olympic:
The meeting was very well visited and strengthened successfully the collaborations in the field of allergy research.
Our genes dictate who develops an allergy
Vaccinations to protect against allergies are the vision – Immunology Week from 22 – 28 April 2018
(Vienna, 19 April 2018) Whether or not you develop an allergy is largely dependent upon genetic factors. This is the main finding of a study recently published in EBioMedicine, just in time for World Allergy Week (22-28. April 2018, The study was supervision of Winfried F. Pickl from MedUni Vienna's Institute of Immunology. The Vienna researchers were able to show that the gene HLA-DR1 and allergen-specific, reactive T-cells play a major role in the development of an allergy to mugwort, for example – assuming, of course, that one is exposed to the source of the allergen.
Recombinant grass pollen allergy vaccine ameliorates symptoms of grass pollen-induced hayfever in a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter field phase IIb trial
First vaccine in the world developed against grass pollen allergy
(Vienna, 18 January 2018) Viennese product: collaboration between MedUni Vienna and Biomay AG
Around 400 million people world-wide suffer in some form or other from a grass pollen allergy (rhinitis) – with the usual symptoms such as a runny nose, cough and severe breathing problems. In collaboration with the Viennese firm Biomay AG, MedUni Vienna researchers at the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research have now shown in a Phase II-b study with 180 patients in 11 European centres, that four injections of the synthetically manufactured vaccine BM32 in the first year and a top-up in the second year of treatment relieve the sufferers' symptoms by at least 25%.”
Rudolf Valenta awarded Russian "Mega Grant"
Research funding from Russian government for joint project on birch pollen allergy
(Moscow/Vienna, 14 December2017) Rudolf Valenta, MedUni Vienna allergy researcher, has been awarded a so-called "Mega Grant" by the Russian government for a research project to be conducted in collaboration with Musa Khaitov from the NRC Institute of Immunology FBMA in Moscow to study the immune response to the birch pollen allergen "Bet v 1".
The grant is worth 90 million roubles (around €1.2 million).
New approach to predict respiratory allergy in early childhood
(Solna/Vienna, 12-12-2017) Immune response in early childhood to a handful of allergen moleculescan predict the onset of allergic rhinitis and asthma in adolescence, suggests a new study in EBioMedicine by researchers at KarolinskaInstitutet in Sweden and the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. The findings could accelerate the development of preventive strategies and novel treatments for respiratory allergy in children.
MedUni Vienna becomes WAO Center of Excellence
Allergy research recognised by the World Allergy Organization
MedUni Vienna is now one of only 30 WAO Centers of Excellence (provisionally until 2020).
The purpose of the WAO Centers of Excellence is to intensify and accelerate multidisciplinary scientific and clinical innovation, education and advocacy worldwide in the field of allergy, asthma and clinical immunology.
Raphaela Freidl received the advancement award "Specific Immunotherapy" of the German Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
The advancement award “Specific Immunotherapy” sponsored by Allergopharma GmbH & Co. KG is awarded yearly at the annual meeting of the German Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI) for outstanding original work.
Medical University of Vienna ranked 7th in the field of Allergology in the World Ranking!
Acc. to the Center for World University Rankings (SWUR) the Medical University of Vienna is in the top 10 list in the field of Allergology and is ranked 7th worldwide.
International Distinguished Fellow Award für Rudolf Valenta
Rudolf Valenta, Allergieforscher am Institut für Pathophysiologie & Allergieforschung der MedUni Wien, wurde vom American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) mit dem International Distinguished Fellow Award ausgezeichnet.
MedUni Wien startet EU-Projekt INSPIRED in Kooperation mit rumänischer Forschungseinrichtung OncoGen
Zusammenarbeit bei Ragweed-Forschungsprojekt unterstützt Aufbau eines Forschungsinstituts auf internationalem Niveau in Timisoara