MedUni Vienna signs co-operation agreement with Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Memorandum of Understanding on scientific exchange in the field of allergology and immunology

(Beijing/Vienna, 15 November 2019) The Medical University of Vienna has signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation with Peking Union Medical College Hospital in China. The two institutions plan to intensify their exchange in the areas of allergology and immunology research and training.


Foto KooperationMedUni Vienna and Peking Union Medical College Hospital have agreed to co-operate in the field of molecular allergology and immunology, in order to intensify the reciprocal exchange of medical knowledge and to jointly address scientific questions.

This co-operation will involve reciprocal visits, training initiatives and joint research projects, the participation of experts in relevant conferences and congresses and publications arising out of joint research projects.

This agreement was signed on behalf of MedUni Vienna by Rector Markus Müller and Vice Rector Michaela Fritz and on behalf of Peking Union Medical College Hospital and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences by Vice President Shuyang ZHANG.

MedUni Vienna was also represented at the ceremony by Hannes Stockinger, Rudolf Valenta and Winfried Pickl from the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology (CePII).


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